About Us

The Australia Professional League Incorporated is the professional services alliance agency founded by a team of lawyers, doctors, engineers, accountants, teachers and architects from the Chinese Australian League and the Australian Chinese Engineering Society, which has been registered in NSW Fair Trading March 2017, with registration number: INC1700324.


Gathering professionals to be a professional service platform. To help Chinese and Australian professionals for resources integration, mutual cooperation and common development. To promote mutual understanding and collaboration between Chinese and Australian individuals, enterprises and institutions; to contribute for Australian economic development and social construction.


Advocating a positive attitude for the work and daily life, utilizing all positive factors to enhance professional skills in order to adapt to social changes. Taking the initiative to adjust yourself to better understand the culture, improve the skills, and actively using the alliance platform for better communicating with each other, expanding social interaction, and striving to achieve collaboration, strengthen the strength! Optimistic and confidently integrated into the Australian community, to obtain social recognition with superb profession and hard work, to dealing with business and person with sincerity and effort, to help the community with professional services.


Becoming one of Australia’s most influential societies! Building up the most reliable professional service platform! Promoting the communication of the professional societies, enterprises, and organizations between China and Australia! Striving to become an important force to promote the development of China and Australia’s economic and cultural society.

Committee Members


Selinna Wang

Executive President

Jack Tan

Vice President

Raymond Wang

Secretary General

Steve Zhang


Rosana Wang

Department of External Affairs

Department of Renewable Energy

Aaron Guo

Department of Media

Koko Meng

The members of the second board of APL

The members of the first board of APL





